WiseOceans are marine education and conservation specialists who work on a global scale to foster a future with healthier oceans. Visit out Marine Discovery Fare to meet one of their dedicated and passionate Marine Educators. Bora Bora serves as the perfect backdrop for embracing the underwater world. Choose from several group offerings by Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora for guests of all abilities.

Exclusive Experiences

  • Female dive instructor teaches two guests in the lagoon at the Dive Centre
    Private Snorkelling
  • Female dive instructor chats with two guests on a speedboat, the rolling green hills looming in the background
    On-board marine biologist
  • Two people in swimsuits and snorkel gear hold fins as they walk along the water's edge, sun reflecting off gentle waves.
    Snorkelling Under the Stars
  • Dive instructor holding a piece of coral, several more pieces in a bucket of water at her feet
    Graft Your Coral

The connection our guests make with our environment is one they’ll hold onto forever.

Ambre Chabert Marine Biologist and Educator

Complimentary Marine Discovery Activities

  • Dive instructor points out different wildlife in a pamphlet to two amateur divers
11:00 am – Group Snorkel (Marine Discovery Corner)
2:00 pm – Coral Demonstration (Marine Discovery Fare)
2:00 pm – Kids Snorkel (Kids For All Seasons)
2:00 pm – Coral Demonstration (Marine Discovery Fare)
2:00 pm – Group Snorkel (Marine Discovery Corner)
11:00 am – Kids Life Under the Sea (Kids For All Seasons)
We can arrange virtually anything. +(689) 40 603 170 Contact