
  • 我们的驻店花艺设计师会按照您的独特风格,设计出令您满意的花艺布置。

  • Smiling couple enjoys champagne on outdoor chaise lounge


  • Bride and groom head toward their overwater wedding venue in traditional Maldivian boat


  • Young girl and boy wearing 3D glasses in the Hologram Room at the Marine Discovery Centre


  • Yellow and black-spotted single-engine plane flies over clear waters of the Maldives, overwater bungalows in distance

    乘坐马尔代夫豪华气派、适合拍照留念的 Flying Boxfish 水上飞机,格调非凡地抵达酒店。

  • Two couples laugh as they share a meal at Blu Beach Club

    我们全天开放的休闲用餐场所 Blu 海滩俱乐部坐拥美轮美奂的日落美景,氛围闲适迷人,供应精致的意大利美食。

  • Man and woman in green swimsuit laugh at edge of infinity pool, white-sand beach and ocean in background


  • Woman and green one-piece swimsuit relaxes poolside with her male partner in the infinity pool, the vast blue waters of the lagoon behind them


  • Couple relaxes with two glasses of wine in the infinity-edge pool

    下榻属于你们的浪漫天堂 — 栖立于礁湖的水上别墅,悠然品尝配有香槟的早餐。

  • A woman walking on the beach watches a seaplane and a parasailor in the distance.


  • Newlywed couple frolic in the shallow water at the beach, sea plane in the distance


  • Bride whispers in groom?s ear in the glass-bottom overwater wedding pavilion


  • Bride and groom relax before their reception in their overwater wedding bungalow with glass-bottom floor

    梦幻奢华、恒久隽永的静谧环境 — 您梦想中的婚礼将从这里开始。

  • Wedding tailor helps bride in her wedding dress


  • Smiling couple enjoys mezze poolside at Al Barakat

    在 Al Barakat 餐厅品尝正宗的阿拉伯美食。

  • Standing woman practices breathing technique outdoors under the shade of a tree

    在我们的康养天堂 AyurMa 重置自己的意识,踏上通往健康、和谐、幸福的新道路。

  • 在 AyurMa 探索个人或团体形式的体验,让您对自己、他人、海洋和地球予以关爱。

  • Closeup of woman practicing yoga in shallow part of the ocean

    在 S-YVASA 校友的帮助下,我们开设了针对各种身体状况的瑜伽理疗课程,揭示瑜伽的真正疗愈潜力。

  • Dr. Arun K Tomson, Director of Spa and Naturopathic Physician

    Arun K. Tomson 医生是 AyurMa 的总监,擅长中医脉诊、针灸和瑜伽理疗,推崇自然疗法和瑜伽理念。


  • Aerial view of lure island villa with private pool and deck surrounded by crystal ocean


  • Indoor sitting area and wet bar, leading out to private pool terrace


  • 双卧室日落水上套房

    从 Blu 海滩俱乐部信步徐行,就能抵达这处开阔的海上闲逸之地。在这里,等候您的是 15 米长的泳池、阳光普照的露天平台、水上吊床和位于二层的阁楼休闲区,波光粼粼的礁湖风光和多姿多彩的日落美景更是一览无遗。

  • Private pool deck of overwater villa, with overwater lounge net and two chairs


  • Private pool and lounge deck overlooking Maldivian ocean

    四周绿树成荫的花园,隐居在我们全新的尊贵滨海别墅中,宽敞的户外空间与增强的豪华内饰相得益彰。在 12 米长的泳池中消暑,在传统的露天餐厅享受悠闲的用餐体验,并在我们的海堤保护下全年在平静的泻湖水域游泳。


  • A guest receives a cocktail while relaxing outside at the Blu Beach Club
    Blu 海滩俱乐部
  • Two couples laugh and enjoy outdoor cocktails at Blu Beach Club
    Blu 海滩俱乐部
  • Outdoor terrace of Al Barakat at sunset with round and square tables, rattan chairs, string lighting

    Al Barakat 餐厅

  • Smiling couple enjoys cocktails on the outdoor terrace of Al Barakat
    Al Barakat 餐厅
  • Two couples laugh over a meal at Blu Beach Club

    Blu 酒吧