Breakfast Sets
Breakfast sets include a glass of fresh juice and coffee or tea. Menus are only available upon pre-order for a minimum of two people.
KRW 75,000
- AMERICAN (아메리칸 세트)
- Morning Pastries or your choice of toast (모듬 빵 혹은 토스트)
- Seasonal Fresh Fruits (제철과일)
- Plain, Low-Fat or Fruit Yoghurt (플레인, 저지방 혹은 과일 요거트)
- Two Eggs Any Style or Omelette (계란요리)
- Bacon, Hash Brown and Semi-dried Cherry Tomatoes (베이컨, 해쉬브라운, 반건조 토마토)
- Chicken or Pork Sausage (닭고기 혹은 돼지고기 소시지)
- KOREAN (한식 세트)
- Korean Hanwoo beef Seaweed Soup (한우 미역국)
- Jeju Tile Fish (제주 옥돔 구이)
- Lobster Egg Roll and Dried Seaweed (랍스터 달걀말이와 김)
- Baechu Kimchi and Assorted Side Dishes (배추 김치와 각종 반찬)
- White Rice with Soup or White Porridge with Water Kimchi (흰 쌀밥 or 혹은 흰죽과 물김치)
- Seasonal Fresh Fruits (제철 과일)
- JAPANESE (일식 세트)
- Crab Salad with Avocado, Tomato and Goma Dressing (아보카도 게살 샐러드와 참깨 드레싱)
- Grilled Miso-marinated Mero (미소로 맛을 낸 메로구이)
- Japanese Egg Custard (일본식 계란찜)
- Japanese Pickles (일본식 피클)
- Steamed Rice or White Porridge with Clam Miso Soup (흰 쌀밥 or 혹은 흰죽과 미소 조갯국)
- Seasonal Fresh Fruits (제철 과일)
All prices are in Korean Won and inclusive of 10% VAT. Special dietary menus are available upon request. We use Korean rice, cabbage, chicken, pork (sausage), beef (seaweed soup), tile fish and American pork (bacon).